H9 as MIDI clock for Polymoon

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    • #172102

      Hi there. Sorry if this is a stupid query but I am a simpleton. So I’m trying to use my H9 as the MIDI clock so I can sync with my Meris Polymoon. I have connected from the H9 to the Polymoon using a 5 pin MIDI to TRS cable. I have enabled MIDI clock out on the H9 but nothing seems to be happening. I’m stuck. Any help would be much appreciated.

    • #172172
      Eventide Staff


      If you enable MIDI clock out on the H9, you should be able to sync another device to it.

      Have you reached out to Meris support? I’m not sure if a MIDI convertor box is required for their stompboxes, but you may not be able to connect the H9 directly with the cable you are using. Do you have any other MIDI devices that you can try to sync the Polymoon to?

      In the future, please post any H9 questions you have in our stompbox forum: https://www.eventideaudio.com/forums/forum/products/stompboxes/

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